
Saturday 23 November 2019

Which of the seven technologies to change in the future have been selected by SNU students and alumni?

Which of the seven technologies to change in the future have been selected by SNU students and alumni?

Seoul National University's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Engineering selected the 7th Future Technology to Lead Korea in the 70th Anniversary.

Alumni and students from each field voted. The story seems to come out of the film, but it is expected to develop beyond the level imagined in the near future. Listen to the researchers at the front of each technology directly. How far has it been developed, and what amazing technology will it complete in the future?

▶ 1 minute summary
Seoul National University of Technology has selected seven future technologies that will lead Korea.
Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and big data are already being realized.
● Solving the limitations of current technology will make future technology much closer to our lives.

1. AI
Written by Byung-Tak Jang Professor of Computer Science

Wherever You Are Voice-Based Interactive AI Chatbot

In 2011, IBM Watson won the TV quiz show Jeffery. In 2016, the AI ​​program AlphaGo by Google Deep Mind beats Lee Sedol and once again surprises the world. Artificial intelligence has entered our lives now.

Recently, the fastest commercial applications of artificial intelligence are the voice-based interactive personal assistant robot and the chatbot. The following year, when Apple released Siri in 2011, Google launched an intelligent personal assistant called Google Now. In 2014, Microsoft announced Cortana, an intelligent personal assistant. In 2015, Amazon released an "eco," which lets you talk with speakers. Echo is also an interactive virtual assistant who plays music, reads books, and answers questions. In 2016, the Google Assistant, a voice chat chatbot, was released. Chatbots are ears and mouth-only robots that communicate with people using only text or voice-based languages. In the future, robots with eyes and visual recognition capabilities will be able to recognize people and their surroundings and communicate more naturally.

AI robots that read the minds of the future

Human-type social robots will appear, interacting with people with gestures with arms and hands and expressing emotion and sociality. Care-o-bot, developed by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany, and Pepper (pictured below) by Softbank Robotics in Japan, moves part of the head and eyes, moves with arms and hands, It is a humanoid robot that can be moved by wheels.

These robots still do simple conversations, guide shops, and so on. However, in the future, people will be able to grasp the mind with a much higher level of perception, cognition, and behavior. If an AI social robot enters the home, it will serve as a new family member, an errand or mate, and care for, play, and study with the children.

2. Customized Health Care Technology
Written by Jong-Mo Seo and Professor of Biomedical Research, Seoul National University Hospital

Where have you been? The “healthy life” has increased.

Modern medicine has evolved as the relationship between genes, genetic material, and proteins is revealed, and the metabolic and signaling processes in the body are known in detail. New drugs with excellent effects but fewer side effects have emerged, and high-resolution equipment has been available to look at the disease relatively accurately.

In the past, natural ingredients have been found to be therapeutic ingredients. However, now we are looking for substances that have a structure similar to existing substances in the body and maximize the stability and effect, and develop them as new drugs.

Equipment like computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows high-resolution images of where and how the disease looks. Depending on the location and progression of the disease, the appropriate surgical method can be selected to reduce not only medical expenses, but also surgical and postoperative recovery time.

Future microdiagnosis, changing the name of the disease

Higher resolution medical imaging devices will be further developed to enable accurate diagnosis of diseases in less time and at lower cost. Various additional functions such as functional images and metabolic images are combined, or it is likely to develop into an image-therapeutic fusion device that treats lesions in real time while taking images.

Now, when diagnosing, the names of the organs are explained to reflect the pathological changes. In the future, however, the cause of the disease can be identified with greater accuracy than it is now, which will increase the diagnosis of pathological changes due to bioinformatics errors or changes in specific metabolic processes. For example, gastric adenocarcinoma or lung adenocarcinoma is observed by molecular biological diagnostic techniques due to genetic mutations associated with specific molecules. In the future, even if the affected area is different, it may be called as EGFR mutation cancer. Treatment will also be personalized.

3. Autonomous Vehicle
Written by Seung-Woo Suh Professor
We have entered the commercialization stage wherever we are.

Recently, autonomous vehicle-related technology is entering the commercialization stage after the initial research level. It is also predicted that by 2040, 75% of the world's vehicles will be autonomous vehicles. The limited self-driving technology in which the driver intervenes has already been completed, and the technology for driving in certain sections of the highway is on the verge of mass production.

Indeed, the German automaker Audi succeeded in autonomous driving on highway sections of more than 800 km in early 2016. Google self-driving cars have already achieved more than 5 million km of driving on public roads. In recent years, it has been recognized as a human driver. Self-driving technology has evolved dramatically over the last five years, behind which surprising changes have been made, including deep neural network theory, big data, and dedicated hardware performance. These new technologies make it possible to accurately detect objects and understand their surroundings, even in a wider range of harsher conditions than ever before.

Will the future prohibit “direct drive of people”?

Advances in sensors, communications, and artificial intelligence will ultimately lead to greater self-driving than humans. However, autonomous driving is not just a technical problem but a socio-political issue intertwined with various fields such as society, economy, law, culture and customs. Self-driving cars will work in the way humans have programmed, so if you want your car to drive in a reasonable way, you must first reach a social consensus on how humans behave reasonably. Twenty years later there may be a time when cars that are safer, more rational and more flexible than humans are born, prohibiting people from driving themselves.

4. Internet of Things
Written by Sung-Hyun Choi

How far have you been?

More than 10 billion devices are already connected to the Internet, including smartphones that are part of our lives today. It is estimated that more than 30 billion devices and sensors will be connected by 2020. The Internet of Things (IoT) era is already here.

Already, 'Smart' is attached to various devices and environments such as smart phones, smart meters, smart cars, smart homes, smart buildings and smart factories. It's thanks to the IoT technology that connects the device to the Internet.

Home IoT devices and services are also increasing. Various home appliances such as digital door locks, window open detectors, gas safety devices, electric plugs, lighting equipment and refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines are connected to the Internet. That allows us to remotely control it using a smartphone. A variety of services are emerging that use remote location trackers and sensors that operate outdoors.

Future Internet of Things Network

In the future, more and more things will be connected to the Internet, eventually making the world look like a huge nervous system. Future computers will provide more services to people by collecting and analyzing various types of data through the Internet of Things, just like human neural networks.
Big data and AI technology will be combined to play the role of artificial intelligence in the nervous system. Accordingly, in the future, more diverse wired and wireless communication technologies will be used for the IoT. In particular, fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication technologies, which will emerge after 2020, will connect more devices to the Internet and reduce data transfer time to a few milliseconds (milliseconds, one millisecond). Combined with VR technology, even the most distant work can be seen in real time as if it were happening before your eyes.

5. Robot
Written by Department of Computer Science

Where have you been?

After a nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima, Japan in 2011, the need for robots to work in hazardous areas on behalf of humans was raised. It is a humanoid robot that can do delicate work like a human. Humanoid robots need to take the place of human tasks using tools designed for humans in a work environment for humans. Therefore, you have to walk on two legs and climb stairs and ladders, not like wheels or caterpillars like factory machines. Like a human, you must use your hand to hold a power drill and drill holes in the wall.

However, humanoid robot technology is still not enough to keep up with human ability. As if you are playing a slow screen, your behavior slows down and you have to rely on the wheels on your feet and knees. Moreover, they do not have the ability to perceive things by themselves. From outside, people must command and control.

A robot that perceives, thinks, and acts like a future person

A person has cognitive, thinking and motor skills. In order for robots to recognize, think, and act like humans, they must have all three abilities and be in harmony with each other. Experts are working to make robots learn using deep learning technology. In addition, AI technology allows robots to make various thoughts such as judging, remembering, and making plans for themselves. By applying computer simulation and optimization techniques, the robot's kinetic ability can be realized beyond humans. Based on this technology, robots that interact with people and think or act like humans will come out in the future, such as cooking robots, laundry dog ​​robots, and caring robots. It is time to seriously think about how to accept robots in our lives.

6. Big Data
Written by Kang Yu, Professor of Computer Science

How far have you been with customized ads and shipping

In the past, companies have delivered images to unspecified public, mainly on TV or newspapers, to advertise their products. However, with the growing volume of product data, customer data, and customer-product interaction data, more and more companies are using big data to provide personalized recommendations.

Amazon's Internet shopping site in the United States recommends customized products based on customers' existing purchases. It is much more efficient than advertising for an unspecified number of people in that it accurately reflects each user's personal preferences to maximize the likelihood of a customer buying.

Big Data also improved the delivery system. In the past, customers ordered their products and shipped them. However, the recent “forecasting delivery system” analyzes commerce big data to predict when and how much each product will be ordered. It also saves time by pre-ordering the product and shipping it to the appropriate location.

Future Eating Foods, Predicting Diseases As Habits

An increasing number of devices and domains generate big data in real time. For example, real-time data is constantly being generated from smartphones, wearable sensors, and home network equipment.

This real-time big data analysis and prediction technology can be a great help in making quick decisions. It is also expected to be applicable to different domains by using diverse and complicated big data.

Big data isn't just for advertising or selling things. For example, based on a person's favorite food and favorite behavioral data, he or she can predict a person's future disease potential and suggest behavioral changes to prevent disease.

7. Virtual and Augmented Reality
Written by Nam-Ik Cho, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

How far you have moved your users to a new world

The moment you use a VR (Virtual Reality) device, you will see a new world that you have never seen before. We become tourists, astronauts, game characters or movie heroes in virtual reality. To react and interact with virtual characters and objects in virtual reality, you need a device that can grasp the user's movements and intentions.

AR (Augmented Reality) is a combination of the real world and virtual reality, and 'Pokemon Go' game is a typical example.

There is also a limit. So far, the user's movements and intentions are not accurately estimated and understood. The resolution is low enough to see the pixel grid, and the chromatic aberration and image distortion are severe because of incomplete imaging and optical technology. The screen doesn't move as naturally as the body moves, and you feel nauseous, and you have to wear gloves or grab a rod every time you enjoy virtual reality.

A more realistic and safe virtual world is born!

Experts are developing quality content and technology to solve the problems that have been encountered so far for more natural virtual reality and augmented reality. Problems can arise if virtual reality becomes too real. You may be so immersed in the appeal of the virtual world that you can hang for hours without distinguishing it from the real world. As a result, physical and mental health may also be affected.

So experts are working to solve these problems and, conversely, developing content that promotes health using virtual reality. To reduce the negatives and make the most of the positives. One day, the hologram technology will be realized, so you can enjoy the virtual world conveniently and realistically without any equipment.

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